Brother, oh brother, what have you done
You slaughtered your brother, the son of the Sun
Dismembered his body in outrage and sin
I grief for my lover, my brother and king
Sutech – wedja
The gods shall prevent
Sutech – Red One
Horus shall defend
Master of Isfet, the desert is your realm
You’re the foe of order, enemy of Maat
You incarnate chaos, violence and rage
Fruitless, infertile, the desert is your cage
The – King – Is – Dead
Lured deceitfully into his death
The – King – Is – Dead
Slaughtered and dismembered by his brother Seth
The – King – Is – Dead
Who’ll be taking over the throne of the black land
The – King – Is – Dead
For Egypt is left now without a leading hand
I’m Isis, enchantress, sorceress, great of might
The destiny or doom of Kemet is now on the line
Oh Nephtys, my sister, help me reunite
The scattered limbs of our king so he may arise
Just for this last time we lay as man and wife
Once more you’ll wake up, we will create life
I’m building Kemets future by conceiving our child
Horus! You shall revenge how your father died